We are looking for inspiring and enterprising Course Directors committed to delivering high-quality, junior residential programmes in leading independent schools. Candidates will have high aspirations and the ability to promote and deliver the values and ethos of Discovery Summer to a team of approximately 15-25 staff.
You are responsible for managing and leading the course effectively and for the safety and well-being of all course participants (students, English Student Hosts, staff, Group Leaders, and visitors). You will work closely with Head Office to ensure the student experience is exceptional and the needs of all parties are met and, wherever possible, exceeded.
As the head of the senior management team on the course, a high standard of professionalism and commitment to growth and development is required - many of our Course Directors come back year after year.
Please read the relevant job descriptions and for full details of the application process, salaries and dates of courses, please see:
Information for Applicants 2024
For an informal discussion before applying, please call Head Office +44 (0)20 7937 1199 or email Leonora Child:
[email protected]
Please note: a Google account is required to complete the form.